Can You Mix Air and Nitrogen in Tires?

portable tire inflator

Are you looking for a way that will make your tires stand out from the crowd? The secret method to this can be tires inflated with nitrogen.

The regular air that fills most tires now competes with the superiority of nitrogen. It is a gas that provides unparalleled pressure stability. What makes nitrogen so unique? Its molecules are less permeable than air. It means that the pressure in your tires will remain stable for a long time.

So, forget about constant tire pressure checks and loss of handling. Mixing air with nitrogen in tires gives you an innovative technology that will allow you to enjoy smooth and safe driving wherever you are. Fluctuations in temperature and other factors will no longer become an obstacle. Because this method allows you to have constant pressure in tires for a long time.

tire inflation

Understanding Air and Nitrogen

Do you always want to keep your tires in perfect condition? You can do it by opening the ultimate power of air and nitrogen. These two critical components are the way to effective tire operation. So, dive more into an understanding of air vs. nitrogen in tires:

  • Air
  • Air is a mixture of different gases. It includes nitrogen, oxygen, argon, carbon dioxide, and other components. It is an available resource because it surrounds us in our everyday life. Its use for filling tires is widespread. After all, it is an affordable filler that provides normal driving conditions.

  • Nitrogen
  • Nitrogen is a super component among tire fillers. This colorless, odorless gas revolutionized the automotive tire industry. After all, it has many advantages. Nitrogen is primarily about the long life of inflated tires. It helps to maintain optimal driving conditions and increases the tires' durability.

    To achieve excellent tire performance, drivers should be cautious when picking their filler. Air, although available, has its limitations. Nitrogen, however, has properties that make it an ideal tire filler. Tires inflated with nitrogen are a proven practice in the automotive industry. After all, it provides all the most critical factors for efficient driving. So, decide what is better for your car. If you can't choose, mixing air with nitrogen in tires is an ideal option.

    Pros and Cons of Nitrogen-Filled Tires

    As you create your experience with the car, you realize that every action has consequences. And it also refers to the choice of filler: air vs. nitrogen in tires. Before making this decision, you should carefully weigh their pros and cons. Because they can be different for each driver:

    Pros of Nitrogen-Filled Tires

    Minimal pressure loss

    Low solubility and high molecular weight characterize nitrogen. This combination of physical properties ensures long-term stability of tire pressure. When you fill tires with nitrogen, they are in an environment with reduced moisture content. It guarantees constant pressure and lowers the chance of its loss. Because of this, specialists prefer nitrogen-filled wheels.

    Increased tread life

    The major cause of the rubber compound's breakdown in wheels is oxidation. But you can avoid this thanks to tires inflated with nitrogen. Compared to oxygen, nitrogen reacts with tire tread substances less readily. It lowers the formation of free radicals and corrosion. Accordingly, tire rubber retains its quality longer.

    Fuel economy

    Nitrogen, with its unique properties, creates a place of efficiency within your wheels. Its unmatched stability ensures tire pressure remains optimal. At the same time, it minimizes the energy needed to propel your vehicle forward. The slow-release nature of nitrogen maintains tire pressure for longer durations. Thus, it reduces fuel consumption, allowing you to overcome roads confidently.

    Reduced tire pressure fluctuation

    Unlike regular air, nitrogen in tires is a dry and inert gas. This distinctive feature avoids the possibility of water vapor condensation inside the tire, which is frequently the cause of pressure changes in response to temperature changes. Because of its stable molecular structure, nitrogen experiences little expansion or contraction. As a result, tire pressure remains more constant despite various temperature swings. 

    Reduced tire internal moisture

    Moisture inside the tire can lead to several detrimental effects. It includes rim rusting and degradation of the tire's internal components. Nitrogen, being a dry gas, eliminates moisture-related issues. Because it provides a moisture-free environment within the tire. This advantage not only helps preserve the tire's structural integrity. It also lovers the risk of rim damage and extends the overall lifespan of the tire.

    So, tires inflated with nitrogen are a premium choice for drivers. It is especially for those seeking extended wheel life and enhanced safety on the road. Nevertheless, there are some drawbacks to it. They are not very important. But it may have a different significance for every motorist. So, read below about them in detail:

    Cons of Nitrogen-Filled Tires

    The need for regular checks

    Nitrogen-filled tires are less susceptible to pressure changes compared to air-filled tires. However, they can still lose pressure over time due to imperfections in the system. It means that car owners still need to check their tire pressure regularly.

    Cost and availability

    Filling wheels with nitrogen or mixing air with nitrogen in tires, you need to have special equipment. It is usually expensive for most motorists. And not every car service provides filling tires with nitrogen. It limits the availability of this type of tire inflation.

    Loss of nitrogen

    Tires with nitrogen are less susceptible to pressure changes compared to air. But nitrogen loss can still occur over time. It may be due to damage to the rubber valve, micropores in the tire, or other reasons. Detecting a nitrogen spill without access to nitrate testing tools may be challenging. It can create extra effort and inconvenience for car owners.


    Mixing Air and Nitrogen in Tires

    Want to experience a real chemical symphony? Mix the nitrogen and air in the tires. It is an exciting process and a great benefit for your wheels. After all, it profoundly affects the quality of tires. The process gradually removes oxygen and other pollutants, replacing them with waste-free nitrogen by supplying a balanced ratio of air and nitrogen to the tires. So, this method has several main results that provide big benefits:

    • The main advantage of mixing air with nitrogen in tires is to reduce the risk of overheating wheels. Such a mixture allows the tires to maintain a stable temperature even under long-term intensive loading. It, in turn, improves maneuverability and security while driving the car.
    • It also helps to improve the durability of tires. The tire's lack of moisture reduces the risk of oxidation. It helps to increase the resistance of tires to physical wear. 

    Mixing air and nitrogen in tires is an innovative technological solution. It opens up new perspectives for the automotive industry. Because this process achieves the best tire performance.


    Components like nitrogen and air are a great experiment for your tires. By pumping this into them, you extend their service for years. But you need to inflate your tires properly to give this benefit. 

    RoofPax Air Compressor for Car Tires is ideal for this. The innovative tool contains a lot of functionality and power. So, with it, your wheels will become real competitors for others.


    Is it better to fill your tires with nitrogen instead of air?

    Yes. Because nitrogen provides better tire pressure retention and saves fuel.

    Is it OK to mix air and nitrogen in tires?

    Yes. But it's better to maintain a higher nitrogen concentration for optimal performance.

    What are the disadvantages of nitrogen?

    One drawback of nitrogen is its limited availability. Finding a nitrogen filling station can be challenging.

    Can I switch from air to nitrogen or vice versa?

    Yes, you can do it. But before it, it's better to fully purge the tire of the existing gas and refill it with the desired gas.